Government Stats Show College is a Waste

Folks we all know that America’s citizens are honest, hard-working folks; just ask any politician. Conversely, we all know that our leaders would sell-out their dear old granny for another term in office. Stuck in the middle are America’s families.

Families are faced with the question of where to send their child/children to college. I know this process can be a daunting task. My son is looking at a college with an annual tuition of $50K plus room and board. Given the high cost of college, perhaps you should rethink college.

Why, you may ask? We have solid proof that college is a waste of money.

How? We have data from people without four-year degrees self-reporting their 2019 earnings to the government. If widely circulated, the data we are about to present would shatter the myth that college is the path to wealth.  The data that we are about to present is not manipulated by government bureaucrats or defenders of college. Why encumber yourself with debt when you can earn the wages that we are about to present for more menial jobs?

What you are about to read is data that was randomly collected during a one-week period processing unemployment claims at California’s Employment Development Department. You may ask how I know this stuff is true and all I can tell you is that the following wage information was visually verified by our blog’s staff.

Occupation SalaryState
Beauty Operator Apprentice $            65,000New Mexico
Beautician $            80,000Montana
Bone Cooking Operator $            70,000North Carolina
Barber $            70,000Georgia
Photographer’s Model $            80,000New York
Contractor $            75,000Pennsylvania
Hairdresser $            75,000Indiana
Beautician $            68,000Nevada
Abstract Manager $            83,000Texas
Assistant Manager $            95,000New Hampshire
Retail Area Supervisor $            96,250Illinois
Maid $         950,000Arkansas
Photographer’s Model $            78,000Virginia
Retail Area Supervisor $            82,000Texas
Security Guard $            60,000Texas
Retail Area Supervisor $            50,000Michigan
Cashier $            56,500Illinois
Beautician $            82,850Texas
Chef $            72,000North Carolina
Delivery Driver/Warehouse $            90,000Arizona
Cashier $            80,000Arizona
Cashier $            56,500Illinois
Abstract Manager $         120,000Utah
Manager-Fast Food $                  900Missouri
Apron Cleaner $            65,000Florida
ASC Certified Auto Tech $            33,034California
Invoicing Clerk-warehouse $            78,855California
Business Office Cashier $         120,000California
Gardener $            79,000California
Banker $         120,000Texas
Account Information Clerk $         125,000North Carolina
General Maintenance/Janitor $         150,000Minnesota
Abstract Manager $         300,000Florida

There it is unequivocal proof that you don’t need college.


Gospel truth, the highest paid person in our list was a maid who made $950,000. I guess that she learned from Al Capone that if you report illicit income, they can’t send you to prison for tax evasion.

The Beauty Operator Apprentice was one that I didn’t recognize. I had to ask the wife. Her understanding of the job is that this babe is the one sweeping up the hair clippings after you get a haircut. I never knew people pushing a broom were paid $65,000.

I tried searching for Abstract Manager on the Internet but came up with nothing that made sense. Given the wage scale, you’d think they were government employees, but we all know that government never lays off anyone. With a pay range of $83K to $300K, it must be a good gig.

The last job that needs special remarks is the General Maintenance/Janitor gig. Please note the wage of $150K. Folks this person claims to have earned this wage in Nevada County California. Per Nevada County statistics, the per capita income for this county in 2018 was just over $37K.

Hopefully by now, you are suspecting that I have withheld some information. If you think this is the case, then you are correct. Remember that I said that these wages were self-reported. This is true but I didn’t say why and therein is the rub. These wages were reported by people applying for California unemployment. The State category in my list is the state the person lives in now. Oh, none of these folks had any reported income on record with the State of California.

Who said crime doesn’t pay? These folks are doing all right or so they would have you believe.

Final thought, I hope this small widow into the fraud making its way thru EDD would be of interest to our readers.