Cable must have broken an extended family member of mine. I do not know what is worse, him saying that only Republicans aren’t getting vaccinated or that he may actually believe this. First of all, you cannot be more ignorant or out of touch, secondly this is flat not true.
First of all, what happened to “my body, my choice”? Also, what happened to “this is a Trump vaccine, and we don’t support it”? Well, to answer the first, my body, my choice is only true with abortions, the second…well the dead turned out and Biden won. Now it’s his vaccine!
Let’s just delve into the vaccination stats on a state-by-state basis if you will. Let’s start with California, since the World Headquarters of is domiciled there. This handy-dandy map I’m linking shows the percentage of folks fully vaccinated.

CA checks in at 47% and change. I’m no Rhoades Scholar, but GOP registration in CA is 23% not 53%. Additionally, let’s delve into our home county, Sacramento. Specifically, I will hone in on North Highlands, specifically 95660 zip code.

The County tool shows 40% as of this past weekend. I pick on North Highlands as it has a very large black population, again, not GOP voters. If you wish to get technical, the southernmost zip codes; the delta, Rio Vista, etc, show north of 70% inoculation, these are GOP areas.
My point here is this has nothing to do with party registration at all; it’s ignorant to think it does. President Trump was more than willing to tout the vaccine, even getting the jab on live TV to prove its safety. Joe Biden and others have made this political. It breaks down multiple ways, as such Democrats cannot process it since liberalism is a brain disease.
First the older folks were/have been cooped up by their kids during the height of the lockdowns the shots bought their freedom, most older folks skew Republican.
Secondly the working folks who travel, they received the shot in large numbers since most places require it for you to fly anymore. While you could produce a negative test, they likely would create more hoops to jump through. Again, these are folks who work, so likely skewing heavily GOP here.
People who work in government buildings, this will be a mixed bag as rules still provide work from home options, this likely brings the average down, as if one works from home, he doesn’t interact with others.
Here are the problem areas.
Folks who are black; there is a heavy distrust in their government here when it comes to vaccinations. I know several who vote Democrat (oh god the horror) who refuse to be vaccinated. This is a very large Democrat voting bloc, don’t believe me, nut its true.
Folks who are Hispanic; same as above, but also add in the immigration issue. This group tends to work extremely hard and can ill afford for a complication to take them out of commission for even a day or two. Again, this group votes heavily Democrat.
This is not a blog to highlight racial tensions, it’s just to show how ignorant some folks are when it comes to vaccinations. Personally, I would peg the figures like this.
Folks over 65: 80% or more are fully vaccinated
Folks over 55: 75% or more vaccinated
25-45 demographic: 20% or less. Remember this group “can’t die from Covid” and aren’t likely to even get sick from it.
18-25: Folks at a public college or university will skew the numbers higher, but I do not see high figures here either.
Stop racism, stop being ignorant. It’s not just Republicans, stop politicizing a vaccine.
Editor’s Note: I agree with The Chief that blaming Trump is a lazy way of dealing with the vaccine issue but when only 10 percent of Biden supporters say they won’t get the shot, its safe for them to politicize the issue. The vaccine is worse than a placebo because it has unintended health effects which no one wants to acknowledge. Such as 40 percent of those hospitalized for Covid in Great Britain were vaccinated.