Folks I just want to make a quick point and alert you to where this country should be spending its defense dollars…cyber security. Yeah, like to stop hackers. Like the ones from Russia who shut the Colonial Pipeline and are causing gas shortages in the southeast and eastern seaboard. Reports are that Colonial was using antiquated software and the Russians were easily able to hack into it, causing the failsafe to shut the pipeline down.

I will defer to the Blog Father on issues of hacker defense and the like since that is his wheelhouse, but allow me to point out, not a single bullet was fired. Russia didn’t need a fighter jet, a tank or a boat, just a few hackers.
We paid the hackers 5 million, because well, people were panicking due to a lack of gasoline. Folks, if you are just now starting to pay attention to this threat, the number of businesses, school districts, hospitals, and cities that have paid ransom over the last two years are legion.
We spend all this money each year on defense: jets, tanks, boats, missiles, bombs, guns etc. Why nothing on cybersecurity? This needs to be a wake-up call, actually it should be the second, we shut the entire country due to Covid-19, and now a pipeline gets hacked, and we cannot supply the south or east coast gasoline. Stop the military industrial complex and start getting with the program!
We spend all this money and have nothing to show for it, stop with all the pension and bloated payroll spending and let’s rethink this strategy before something bad happens, like I don’t know the electrical grid is taken down? Or an EMP weapon is used.
Johnnie Does

Troll commentary: Joe Biden was asked about his thoughts on the pipeline, and he said, “I stopped that pipeline the day I was inaugurated…come on man!”