An Investigative Series by The Chief
Reader Warning: This series will contain graphic details of rape, racism, sexual assault, and straight up deplorable behavior by Dominic Foppoli and his colleagues who covered for him. Reader discretion is advised.
And we are back after a short hiatus. To drop the next big story. Dominic is a racist, and the worst kind of person.
The story takes place my freshman year in college. I was a young lad at 18, the year was 2004 (error on my part earlier) and George W. Bush was running for re-election. As a young man born with conservative values, I joined the Young Republicans on campus, led by one Dominic J Foppoli. After his “alleged” crime against 2 friends of mine, he seemed to fade away, he likely found well let’s call it “fresh meat” then he resurfaced.
It was February, I was on my way back to my dorm in Meadowlands Hall after class on a Tuesday at 8pm. One roommate of mine, let’s say he was Mexican, told me “dude you’re in deep, stupid signs you put up.” Quizzically I asked what he was saying. He told me “There are signs on campus, literally all over about MLK.” I couldn’t put two and two together as I had just come from a 3-hour class. He showed me. The signs were …. Well, I’ll let you react.
The Republicans freed the slaves
Martin Luther King Jr was a Republican
Blacks should be Republicans
Vote GOP, Young Republicans are the best party on campus.

Yeah folks, in February, AKA Black History Month, be more tone deaf you cannot. Stupidity like you read about. Of course, my third roommate was black. As I walked into the dorm room, he of course was prepared; 3 officers of the Black Student Union in tow, it was likely curtains for me. I was known to wear Bush Cheney 04 shirts or Bill Jones for Senate shirts on campus because, I was a literal troll. I was ready to take my punishment but all 4 had my side. My roommate remarking over and over, he ain’t racist while my other roommate saying he cares deeply about those in need. Lucky once again, I was not going to answer for the sins of someone else.
My roommate and his friends from BSU told me they knew the culprit. They saw him getting into a white Chevy Tahoe or Suburban, a tall, built white male (the campus was 70% plus women btw). He had an accomplice, another white male, with facial hair.
So, the next meeting of the College Republicans, oddly called that Monday went swimmingly; me, and all the officers resigned. The faculty rep made Dominic answer for his stupidity, made even more embarrassing since he was an officer in the SONOMA not MARIN GOP. What a low life. He denied any wrongdoing (duh) and was in shock his fellow officers stepped down, (wild move, we aren’t racists) and we held new elections. Dominic couldn’t face the complaints; he had a meeting to attend.
Dominic admitted to putting the signs up at Dominican University, we didn’t have a vibrant student paper. There is no record of this. Imagine if this happened after circa 2004. You see Dominic gives all Republicans a horrible name, why February? Why Black History Month? Why invoke MLK? Who cares about his political party, let him rest in peace, he deserves it.
Again, the narrative remains that he wanted me and my classmates to face the music. Maybe Sonoma and Marin wanted that too, but I came in peace, trolling, but in peace. I should be allowed my beliefs. I am no racist and will never be accused of being one.
Dominic has now been accused by a 7th woman. Another hero has come forward; former Sonoma Mayor Rachel Hundley has accused him of sexual assault. He says Dominic climbed on top of her and showed his “Johnson.” Mayor Hundley said she wanted nothing sexual to happen, but apparently Dominic had other ideas. He took pictures of her in her robe, and sexually assaulted her. We here believe all the women.
What a sick f**k he is.
Concluding commentary: This blogger (notice, not blog owner, The Chief and The Chief alone) has info, and damning info at that, about Windsor Chief of Police Ruben “Colonel Klink” Martinez, Sonoma DA Mark “girls are sexual objects” Raasch, seriously sheriff you’re a womanizer and its over for you, oh and I have firsthand info you and Dominic are “bros.” Deborah Fudge, on the council, she is burnt toast. I’ve got too much info. Sam Salmon? I won’t waste too much time on him, he’s useless.
It’s over. I’m going to destroy you politically Dominic. I don’t have to destroy you criminally; you did that yourself. Actually, Liam, your buddy’s attorney did a nice job with his comments about you. His words not ours.
Just to speak to the victims, we are here for you. We know of about 23 women who have come forward so far, and there are many more. Dominic is a sick, disgusting creature. We understand you may not want to reach out to us; however, we strongly encourage you to reach out and be put in touch with local groups to help you, statute or no statute of limitations. This story will run in the local paper if one person can corroborate it, you can remain anonymous. Let’s get rid of this scum!

Now to speak to his “Ghislaine Maxwell,” the former campaign manager who aided and abetted in his rapes. So said you when you called me, saying and I quote “I saw a lot of horrible things”. This is a final chance to get your story to us and clear you name, or we can put you in touch with folks who you can tell your story too. We are not here to hurt folks who want to tell a story, and you can remain anonymous. We are in possession of an Instagram message from him to you inviting you to his winery as recent as March, it might be a good time to reach out. A word to the wise, after your call we received a cease-and-desist order, probably not smart to cover for a rapist.
You have 72 hours. I would call, I really would. This blogger is not scared of you. We have 23 courageous women, a great attorney (a rock star by the way). Maybe call us before you get a call, because the best case scenario for your buddy Dominic is he will be “on the registry;” look it up, not great. Go ahead sue me, I’m not scared, Dominic will throw you under the bus far before he names me.
Popcorn is ready,
The Chief
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