As I am sure you have read by now, Jorge “the drunken Jedi” Riley is in custody for his part storming of the capital in DC. While we can debate whether he was right, wrong, or indifferent we can all agree on one thing, it was flat stupid to do what he did. Even dumber was to post video and other photos on his Facebook page. Far dumber was to make comments about killing people or taking back the People’s House. While we can agree he probably didn’t mean those comments, they are very dumb to say in an era of big tech hating conservatives, and when “screenshotting” is taboo.

The point of this blog is not to dance on the grave of one’s misfortunes, as Mr. Riley in the words of a federal judge “is looking at a lengthy sentence, due to the nature of his crime and evidence against him.” The point of my writing is to bring to light his enablers, who will all be called out by name, and I feel are accomplices to the behavior leading to the crime.
They are listed in no particular order.
Sue Blake (Former Sac County GOP Chair): Sue or madam chair, as you can call her, had a front row seat to Riley’s sobriety issues. Riley was known to attend the meetings with his “backpack” carrying the elixir by which he would consume, before, during, and after each meeting. Blake would call on Riley to give a report, we would hear a plethora of racial or homophobic slurs, and she would smile and say thanks for that report.
Tom Hudson (Former CRA President) same as above but worse. Hudson is a smooth-talking lawyer who for some reason really liked Jorge. He too had no issue with the drinking, and every time there was a CRA board election, Jorge would find himself safe from any challengers. Last I heard, he owns the server and membership lists for the statewide group. Hudson is still known to be protecting Riley even though he no longer wields much power.
The Park Brothers (George and Aaron): While both may be removed from CRA, both allowed Riley to consume copious amounts of booze and stir up trouble at conventions. Aaron may have written a blog or two disparaging him, but too little, too late. Aaron, you are just as culpable. Notice his blog has been quiet about this, when news of Riley’s arrest spread like a PG&E induced wildfire. Aaron and George know they are neck deep in this. Does the fact that Riley’s middle name is Aaron immunize him from their criticism?
Bill “The Wookie” Cardoza: By far the biggest enabler. Bill, like any liquid, takes the shape of whatever vessel he is poured into. Bill is a very close friend of Riley’s. Bill has never done anything to advise Jorge of his behaviors. Bill on numerous occasions has even allowed Jorge to drive under the influence…Some friend! On occasion Bill was a sober passenger. Let that soak in! Bill has worked for several elected’s in his day and he should know better. Jorge was protected by Bill, so he is equally at fault for his behavior. Rumor has it, Cardoza bought Riley’s ticket to DC. Worse yet, Cardoza is a ranking member of the Sacramento CRA unit, and he has allowed Riley to destroy that once proud unit!
Jared Kopp (Former Sac County Republican Executive Director) Kopp was a drinking buddy of Riley, he also allowed Jorge’s drinking to shape who he is now. Jared used to think this behavior was amusing and funny. Jared, Sue and Terry Mast (RIP) defended this behavior and marginalized those who tried to stop it.
Folks if you know any of the above, please do not buy their BS. They are all equally culpable. Jared, Sue, and the other central committee members knew this man was a liability, yet they kept protecting and promoting him. Cardoza? He keeps protecting him, rumor has it he is actively searching for counsel to help defend Riley of the federal crimes he is charged with. Aaron and George? I doubt Jorge paid you so how did you have such blind loyalty to him? Tom Hudson, ditto. Folks that is a collection of supposedly smart folks who sold out their futures to help a deranged human.
In short, the folks named above fought to enable and cover for a man (Jorge) who has unpaid child support from 4 different women, and allegedly has a criminal past. Riley drinks alcohol from his backpack, before, during, and after meetings. He has threatened folks with physical violence and once bragged about committing a double shooting. (Said crime is still listed as unsolved by local police.–Editor) I guess he must be a great volunteer or do quite a bit for the Party, right? To justify defense of these actions? Nope, he has not done squat since being a member of local politics.
Johnnie Does