I have many stories that I never got to in a timely way but I at least feel they deserve a mention on the blog before I delete the URL’s (links) from my desktop. They seem to fall in three groups: Hunter & Joe Biden, lies we’ve been told about Covid, and more of vote fraud in the Presidential election.
Hunter & Joe Biden
(at the time this topic was censored by Big Tech to protect Joe Biden)

Hunter Biden discussed leveraging his connection to his father in a bid to boost his pay from a Ukrainian natural gas company, according to an email he sent around the time he joined the firm’s corporate board.
Hunter Biden emails show leveraging connections with his father to boost Burisma pay
The Delaware computer repair shop owner who turned over the Apple Macbook Pro containing Hunter Biden’s emails, photos and (according to Rudy Giuliani) a sex tape featuring Hunter Biden and another woman has come out to the public in an interview with Fox News.
John Paul Mac Isaac told Fox News that he is legally blind, and therefore he “can’t be 100% sure” that the individual who dropped off the laptop was Hunter Biden. But when he was backing up the hard drive, he stumbled upon “disturbing” images, including “pornography”, that freaked him out. Apparently, although Isaac’s blindness prevented him from positively ID-ing Hunter Biden, it didn’t stop him from viewing the contents of the hard drive.
“I Wanted It Out Of My Shop” – Computer Repairman Shares Why He Gave Laptop With Hunter Biden’s Emails To The FBI
By New York Post. Sen. Ted Cruz laced into Twitter boss Jack Dorsey and “big tech billionaires drunk on their own power” Saturday over censorship of The Post’s exposé of the Biden family foreign business dealings.Dorsey is expected to receive a subpoena and be grilled next Friday by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
GOP leaders are seeking answers for why the company decided to censor new emails published in The Post raising new questions about Joe and Hunter Biden’s relationship with executives from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.
“This is a power grab from big tech billionaires drunk on their own power. That is abuse of monopoly power by big tech,” Cruz told reporters on a press call Saturday. “It appears Twitter is throttling [in a] brazen attempt to manipulate the election outcome and it is continuing as we speak.” (Read more from “GOP Leaders: Twitter Censoring Hunter Biden Exposé Is ‘Election Interference’”
GOP Leaders: Twitter Censoring Hunter Biden Exposé Is ‘Election Interference’; President Trump: Info Found on Hunter’s Laptop The ‘Real Deal’; Hunter Biden Emails, Pics Reveal Wild Life
Echoing the 2016 election, establishment media justified its refusal to investigate the Biden-family, influence-peddling story by claiming it was the work of “Russian disinformation.
“U.S. intelligence officials have denied the claim, and no evidence has emerged to support it.
Now, NBC News is reporting Friday in a story prominently linked by the Drudge Report that there’s a “dossier” that explains everything.
Under the headline “How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy deluge,” NBC reports a 64-page document “that was later disseminated by close associates of President Donald Trump appears to be the work of a fake ‘intelligence firm.'”
NBC: ‘Hunter Biden dossier’ discredits ‘right-wing conspiracy’
Joe Biden repeatedly has denied knowing anything about son Hunter’s lucrative work on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma.
“Hunter Biden is a private citizen and a lawyer. The former vice president does not endorse any particular company and has no involvement with this company,” a spokeswoman for Joe Biden said in a December 2015 statement to the New York Times.
Biden has stonewalled on the topic ever since.
“I’ve never discussed my business or their business, my sons’ or daughter’s. And I’ve never discussed them because they know where I have to do my job and that’s it, and they have to make their own judgments,” he told the “CBS Evening News” last October.
And yet, an email obtained by The Post shows a senior Burisma executive thanking Hunter for the opportunity to meet Joe Biden just 12 months after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month.
Voters have right to know what Joe Biden did for son Hunter: Devine
Covid Lies
By Townhall. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website disclosed the shockingly small number of people who died from only the Wuhan coronavirus, with no other cause of death mentioned. Hold on to your hat because here it is: out of the 161,392 deaths in the CDC data, just six percent, about 9,700 deaths, were attributed to the coronavirus alone. According to the CDC, the other 94 percent had an average of 2.6 additional conditions or causes of deaths, such as heart disease, diabetes, and sepsis.
Here’s the Shockingly Small Number of People Who Died From Only the Coronavirus
Instead of protecting the vulnerable – the elderly in nursing homes and those with comorbidities – health “experts” recommended locking everyone up and prescribing for Americans a wide range of ailments such as depression, suicide, missed early cancer screenings, unemployment, substance abuse, and poverty.
According to The New York Times, potentially 90 percent of those who have tested positive for COVID-19 have such insignificant amounts of the virus present in their bodies that such individuals do not need to isolate nor are they candidates for contact tracing. Leading public health experts are now concerned that overtesting is responsible for misdiagnosing a huge number of people with harmless amounts of the virus in their systems.
“Most of these people are not likely to be contagious, and identifying them may contribute to bottlenecks that prevent those who are contagious from being found in time,” warns The Times.
Oops: It Looks Like the Vast Majority of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative
A New York Times report found that as many as 90% of the people who have tested positive for COVID-19 have such insignificant amounts of the virus that they don’t need to be isolated or traced.
N.Y. Times: 90% who test positive for COVID-19 are NOT contagious
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new coronavirus data last week, depicting how many Americans have died from COVID-19, as well as how many who died had other contributing conditions.
The CDC data table is based on an analysis of death certificates that mention COVID-19 as a cause. For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned, the CDC notes.
The other 94% list COVID-19 and other conditions together. Among those deaths, there were, on average, 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death, the public health agency said.
New CDC report shows 94% of US COVID deaths had contributing conditions. Here’s what that means
Three university professors, two of whom are physicians, are calling for COVID-19 vaccinations to be mandatory, with no allowance for religious objections.
The Case Western Reserve University scholars, writing in USA Today, advised that “disincentives” be imposed to ensure compliance, Christian News reported.
“Private businesses could refuse to employ or serve unvaccinated individuals,” the professors propose. “Schools could refuse to allow unimmunized children to attend classes. Public and commercial transit companies — airlines, trains and buses — could exclude refusers. Public and private auditoriums could require evidence of immunization for entry.”
‘No religious exemptions’: New push for mandatory COVID vaccinations
Catholic bishops said Monday that under the current “sufficiently serious” conditions of the pandemic, Catholics may take the COVID-19 vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna but should avoid the “morally compromised” AstraZeneca vaccine due to its use of aborted baby cells.
“In view of the gravity of the current pandemic and the lack of availability of alternative vaccines, the reasons to accept the new COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are sufficiently serious to justify their use, despite their remote connection to morally compromised cell lines,” United States Conference of Catholic Bishops chairmen Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas said in a document released Monday.
The bishops noted that “while neither vaccine is completely free from any connection to morally compromised cell lines, in this case the connection is very remote from the initial evil of the abortion.”
The AstraZeneca vaccine, however, is “more morally compromised” and thus “should be avoided,”the bishops said.
“It may turn out, however, that one does not really have a choice of vaccine, at least, not without a lengthy delay in immunization that may have serious consequences for one’s health and the health of others,” the bishop chairmen added. “In such a case … it would be permissible to accept the AstraZeneca vaccine.”
Catholic Bishops OK Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines, Call AstraZeneca ‘Morally Compromised’ Due To Connections To Abortions
The pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute has released information on which coronavirus vaccines have been made using cells obtained from aborted babies.
The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) released a new chart Thursday examining whether eight leading COVID vaccines were either produced or tested using cells obtained through abortions. The institute’s analysis found that most of the vaccine candidates did not use cell lines derived from abortions in their production, though several used abortion-derived cell lines in laboratory testing.
The potential that the much anticipated vaccines would use cells from aborted babies poses weighty moral problems for many Americans who object to abortion.
Religious leaders such as Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas said earlier this year that he would refuse the vaccine if “we use body parts of aborted children,” saying, “I will not kill children to live.”
We cannot accept a Covid-19 vaccine that was developed using the bodies of aborted babies.
Here’s Which COVID Vaccines Are Produced, Tested Using Aborted Baby Cells, According To A Pro-Life Institute
Election Fraud
A Pennsylvania judge ruled in favor of the Trump campaign Thursday, ordering that the state may not count ballots where the voters needed to provide proof of identification and failed to do so by Nov. 9.
State law said that voters have until six days after the election — this year that was Nov. 9 — to cure problems regarding a lack of proof of identification. After the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that mail-in ballots could be accepted three days after Election Day, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar submitted guidance that said proof of identification could be provided up until Nov. 12, which is six days from the ballot acceptance deadline. That guidance was issued two days before Election Day.
Pennsylvania court: Secretary of state lacked authority to change deadline 2 days before Election Day
State lawmakers in Pennsylvania have discovered a serious problem with the 2020 presidential election.
There were more votes than voters.
In a report posted online, the lawmakers explain how they did extensive analysis of election data.
What they found were “troubling discrepancies between the numbers of total votes counted and the total number of voters who voted in the 2020 general election.”
Did Pennsylvania lawmakers find more votes than voters?
By Breitbart. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) on Wednesday announced that the state will conduct a “by-hand recount in each county” in the Peach State.
“At 1 p.m. today, I will make the official designation of which race will be the subject of the RLA [risk-limiting audit]. At that time, I will designate that the RLA will be the presidential race,” Raffensperger announced, emphasizing that the RLA, in this case, will require a by-hand recount. Typically, an RLA involves officials examining “a statistically meaningful sample of ballots.”
Georgia Announces Full Hand-Recount for Presidential Election; DOJ Election-Crime Investigator Quits When Told To Probe Election Fraud; Poll Worker Confirms She Saw Blatant Voter Fraud
A Justice Department official responsible for investigating elections crimes abruptly resigned Monday after Attorney General William Barr authorized federal investigators to look into allegations of vote fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
DOJ election-crime investigator quits when told to probe election fraud
Election Integrity Project, Nevada (EIPNv) has found 2,410 persons who are registered to vote in Nevada, subsequently registered in California, but voted in Nevada’s November 3 election. EIPNv had previously reported 1,411 such voters. An expanded analysis, matching mailing addresses and phone numbers, found approximately 1,000 more suspect voters.
UPDATE: Over 2,400 Californians Now Suspected of Voting in Nevada’s Election
First of all, every swing state that accepted ballots after Nov. 3 needs to be challenged in court. Indeed, while the Constitution does give the states the authority to establish voting procedures, state law cannot violate federal law, and both the Constitution and various U.S. codes clearly state that Congress has the authority to set the “date,” not dates, for federal elections. Moreover, Article II of the Constitution also clearly authorizes Congress to set a “date” and says the “Day shall be the same throughout the United States.” The words date and day obviously mean one day. While liberal judges in lower courts have ruled that these words don’t matter, it should to the originalists who now dominated the Supreme Court.
Does election justice now lie with GOP state legislators?
Two Los Angeles men have been charged with voter fraud after attempting to submit 8,000 ballot applications for nonexistent or deceased voters.
Hawthorne, California, mayoral candidate Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Montenegro, 53, and Marcos Raul Arevalo, 34, planned the effort in an attempt to help Montenegro win his bid for mayor, Los Angeles District attorney announced Tuesday.
The county is accusing Montenegro of submitting more than 8,000 fraudulent ballot applications on behalf of “fictitious, nonexistent or deceased” voters between July 1 and Oct. 15 of this year, according to a felony complaint.
2 men charged in voter fraud involving 8,000 ballot applications for ‘fictitious’ or dead voters
Honorable Mention—arguably I saved the best story for last
Also worth a mention is this post by Dennis Prager. I’ve never been a follower of Prager but he has something that really caught my eye. We often project the present into the past to project the future. Prager rethinks this concept. Here is the beginning of his column. I strongly urge you to read it in full. The link as at the bottom of the excerpt.

As my listeners and readers can hopefully attest, I have been on a lifelong quest to understand human nature and human behavior. I am sad to report that I have learned more in the last few years, particularly in 2020, than in any equivalent period of time.
One of the biggest revelations concerns a question that has always plagued me: How does one explain the “good German,” the term used to describe the average, presumably decent German, who did nothing to hurt Jews but also did nothing to help them and did nothing to undermine the Nazi regime? The same question could be asked about the average Frenchman during the Vichy era, the average Russian under Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Leonid Brezhnev and their successors, and the millions of others who did nothing to help their fellow citizens under oppressive dictatorships.
These past few years have taught me not to so quickly judge the quiet German, Russian, etc. Of course, I still judge Germans who helped the Nazis and Germans who in any way hurt Jews. But the Germans who did nothing? Not so fast.
What has changed my thinking has been watching what is happening in America (and Canada and Australia and elsewhere, for that matter).
The ease with which tens of millions of Americans have accepted irrational, unconstitutional and unprecedented police state-type restrictions on their freedoms, including even the freedom to make a living, has been, to understate the case, sobering.
I Now Better Understand the ‘Good German’