Democrats let Uncle Joe out of the basement again today just to see if anybody cared. Joe has been having many pound me too (#MeToo) moments lately just to get noticed. Joe says outrageous and provocative things just to see if he can get an honorable mention in stories focused on Bernie Sanders and Mike Bloomberg. Here’s a few recent zingers that Joe has uttered this week with a straight face.
“150 million people have been killed since 2007 when Bernie voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liability, more than all the wars, including Vietnam from that point on.”
Biden oddly suggests ‘150 million’ people killed by guns since 2007
Joe Biden 02/25/2020
Biden just declared that about 45 percent of the US population has died from random gun violence in the last dozen years and thinks blaming Sanders is the solution? Oh, and from that we are to think Biden is the best choice for President!! Hey Joe, most random homeless people still have enough brain cells left to know you’re full of excrement.
I don’t know if its his advanced age or dementia but the line between this life and the next is very thin in Biden’s world. Did you know that he negotiated a climate deal with a world leader that died almost 20 years before he was ever VP?
Presidential candidate Joe Biden appeared to make another misstep during a campaign event in South Carolina on Monday, claiming to have worked on the Paris Climate Accord with former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, who died 19 years before the agreement was signed.
Joe Biden Claims to Have Worked On 2016 Paris Climate Deal With Chinese Leader Who Died In 1997

“One of the things I’m proudest of is getting passed, getting moved, getting in control of the Paris Climate Accord,” Biden told the crowd. “I’m the guy who came back after meeting with Deng Xiaoping and making the case that I believe China will join if we put pressure on them. We got almost 200 nations to join.”
Deng led China from 1978 until his retirement in 1992. Under his leadership, the Communist Party opened China to foreign investment and reaped the rewards of breakneck economic growth. The decision laid the foundations for contemporary China and its enormous economy.
At the same campaign event, Biden tried to demonstrate his vast understanding of Second Amendment issues with this comment:
“Who in God’s name needs a hundred rounds in a bullet, in a clip, with a gun you have?”
Biden says he negotiated climate deal with long-dead Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping

My response to Joe is that we need guns to protect us from pompous idiots like you that think you are superior to us because you got elected to office and parlayed it into a way to become millionaires at our expense. Public Service my foot.
But folks Biden wasn’t done yet.
Biden had another odd gaffe that day. Wrapping up his remarks at the South Carolina Democratic Party’s First in the South Dinner, he misspoke about which office he was seeking and made a puzzling reference to another Biden.
“Where I come from, you don’t get far unless you ask. My name’s Joe Biden. I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Look me over. If you like what you see, help out. If not, vote for the other Biden,” he said.
Biden also raised eyebrows when he recently shared an unverified claim on the campaign trail that he was once arrested in South Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela in prison, something he had never previously shared.
So, there’s another Biden, an evil Biden? Joe is he hiding in your head too? Bipolar might explain as much as it answers. Was it just a “senior moment” that you claimed to be running for Senate or were you having flashbacks to when you thought you were relevant? Speaking of relevant, invoking a bogus story that even MSNBC doesn’t believe about you being arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela.

From that great Conservative Media outlet, The Washington Post
“This day, 30 years ago, Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and entered into discussions about apartheid. I had the great honor of meeting him. I had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see him on Robbens Island.”
— Former vice president Joe Biden, in remarks in Columbia, S.C., on Feb. 11Biden’s ridiculous claim he was arrested trying to see Mandela
“After he [Mandela] got free and became president, he came to Washington and came to my office. He threw his arms around me and said, ‘I want to say thank you.’ I said, ‘What are you thanking me for, Mr. President?’ He said: ‘You tried to see me. You got arrested trying to see me.’”
— Biden, in remarks in Las Vegas on Feb. 16
We were reminded of that episode when we saw that former vice president Joe Biden has told voters at least three times that he was arrested in South Africa while trying to visit Nelson Mandela. The New York Times has done a great job deconstructing this story, but it cries out for our own fact check and a Pinocchio rating.
The South Carolina primary, with its large percentage of African American voters, is critical for Biden’s hopes to emerge as the top challenger to the current front-runner for the Democratic nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Sanders participated in the civil rights movement, unlike Biden, and photos have emerged of Sanders being arrested during a civil rights protest at the University of Chicago.
Biden, as a senator, was active in the anti-apartheid movement, helping pass sanctions on companies doing business in South Africa over President Ronald Reagan’s veto. But there is no evidence that Biden was ever arrested trying to see the imprisoned future president of a democratic South Africa.
Biden’s second statement — that Mandela thanked him for being arrested — also is not credible.
…there’s no excuse for telling an invented story like this.
Biden has never been shy about tooting his own horn. So it’s pretty surprising that on the eve of a primary critical to his election hopes, he suddenly recalls being arrested in South Africa — and being thanked by Mandela for being arrested. There is no evidence for either claim; neither appears remotely credible. Biden earns Four Pinocchios.

Folks when The Washington Times and Fox News agree that you’re blowing smoke up the voter’s tailpipes, then as Liz Warren might say, “Old White man in heap big trouble.”

When looking at the Biden campaign, I’m reminded of a line from the Kansas album Drastic Measures which asks, “Are you for real or are you going through the motions?”