Joe Biden, the gift that keeps on giving, has delivered on camera again. This time while campaigning in New Hampshire.
He insulted a college student, “You’re a lying, dog-faced pony soldier.”
Here’s the news story:
The student, Madison, of Mercer University in Georgia, began by asking Biden how he could remain competitive in the race after that performance.
“It’s a good question,” Biden responded. “Number one: Iowa’s a democratic caucus. You ever been to a caucus? No you haven’t. You’re a lying, dog-faced pony soldier. You said you were; but now you got to be honest. I’m gonna be honest with you.”
Biden had used the bizarre phrase in January as well, in response to a question about President Obama’s broken promise that individuals would be guaranteed the option to keep their doctors under the Affordable Care Act.
Biden, in New Hampshire, jokingly calls student ‘a lying, dog-faced pony soldier’
This past December in Iowa, Biden slammed a voter who questioned Hunter Biden’s business dealings as a “damn liar” who needed to take an “IQ test.”
The former vice president also seemingly called the man “fat,” although the Biden campaign said he had been misunderstood.
Joe also took a shot at Booty Judge in an ad that Trump would make him take back since his claimed accomplishments in the ad are nothing to brag about. Joe took credit for the Iran Nuclear deal where Obama gave them 1.5 billion in cash, saving the auto industry by screwing stockholders and giving General Motors to the labor unions, Obamacare, and other stupid stuff.
For those too young to remember, Biden first ran for President in 1988. He was caught plagiarizing material in his speeches—much like Michael Bloomberg is doing in the current campaign—and Biden was forced to withdraw from the campaign.
My favorite gaff by Biden was in 2015 when he tells a man in wheelchair to stand up.
The thing about Joe is that if a camera is near, you never know what you’ll hear. For those of us that enjoy the theater of politics, Joe still has time for more such comments.