Folks I’ve been saying the 2020 election is going to be California’s Values versus American Values, last week I got confirmation that others agree. In fact, one guy is asking you to put money on it by donating to Reject the Resistance.

Sacramento, CA – As the country prepares for critical elections next year, a new nonprofit group has formed to warn Americans not to follow the lead of California’s political leadership, urging voters across the country, “Don’t Californicate America.”
“California’s political leadership fancies itself as leading the resistance to all things conservative, and all things Trump,” said Frank Schubert, founder of Reject The Resistance, the recently formed nonprofit group. Schubert has twice been named America’s top public affairs consultant.“While the politics of the resistance might generate supportive headlines, the policies that are advanced in California would be a disaster for the country. We urge voters to take a look at the ideas advanced by California’s leadership and see the mess they have made of the state.”
New Nonprofit Group Warns, “Don’t Californicate America”
Reject The Resistance has launched a television ad that it plans to air in key states, and has unveiled a website setting forth some of the policies that it says would be pursued if voters reject a conservative approach to government. The advertisement highlights many of California’s problems including homelessness, filthy cities with streets soiled by urine and feces, sanctuary cities, crime, and out of control government spending and debt.
I don’t know Mr. Schubert but I find it clever that he has put this campaign together as a non-profit and not a political PAC. Thus you can give money to save the Republic and its tax deductible. The truth is, it doesn’t matter who the other side selects, they all want to destroy American values and replace them with ones in harmony with California.
I think the Babylon Bee was right when they posted that Republicans can win just be running unedited speeches by Democrats.
If efforts like this have the effect of nationalizing the election, it will definitely be to Trump’s advantage.