I hate Apple. They are a socialist company.
• They have one way to do things, their way.
• They make the bulk of their money from other socialists.
• They copy other people’s inventions and try to claim them as their own.
• They never admit fault ; therefore, their groupies think their products are superior.
The most famous example was Apple’s Safari browser fiasco a few years ago. They touted it as the most secure Internet browser available and the same day it was released it was hacked six different ways by six different folks that all were able to take full control of the computers via different exploits.
Today we learn that the top paid antivirus app in the Apple store is spyware. This app sells for $5 and is the fifth most popular paid app in their store. It has been spying on people since 2015 and sending their personal data to an unknown server in—you guessed it—China. The good news is maybe we have finally found all the files from Hillary’s server.
In his blog post, Wardle noted, “The fact that application has been surreptitiously exfiltrating users’ browsing history, possibly for years, is, to put it mildly, rather f#@&‘d up!”
Security researcher Privacy 1st tweeted that they initially contacted Apple about the Adware Doctor issue on Aug. 12.
Adware Doctor, which costs $5, was the top paid app in the “Utilities” category, and the fifth top paid app overall, before it was removed Friday.

Please note that as usual, Apple only took action after this story became public even though they have known about this for almost a month. Again, this is typical behavior from Apple.
Security researcher Privacy 1st tweeted that they initially contacted Apple about the Adware Doctor issue on Aug. 12.
“What is sad is that it was reported by me on 12th of August and Apple didn’t even care… Attached are email screenshots”
A Popular Mac App That Stole Users’ Browsing History Has Been Removed

Adware Doctor also turns out to have pushed the boundaries for years. Reed says that Malwarebytes originally started tracking it in 2015, when it was called Adware Medic, which was also the name of a legitimate scanner Reed had developed. Malwarebytes notified Apple and the company removed the app, but Reed says it resurfaced in the App Store within days as Adware Doctor.
Malwarebytes continued to track the app over the years and found it suspect, because the app’s functionality was limited—its protections are based on generic, open-source offerings rather than effective, tailored tools. But the new findings from Privacy 1st indicate that the app may have recently added expanded suspicious functionality through an update. “It’s been scammy for awhile, but that was new behavior that we hadn’t observed before,” Reed says.
Adware Doctor also rides on a common strategy of posing as a security product to seem more trustworthy and gain the deeper system permissions that come with being a scanning tool.