Today in my email, I received a copy of the Sutter-Yuba Republican Assembly minutes for their June 8th meeting. Not much of a surprise, The Just Us Brothers —George and Aaron Park—were the guest speakers at that evening’s festivities.
Prior to their May 30th ouster, the Just Us Brothers had already purged all references to this club from any CRA records and have been targeting this chapter for annexation into CIR. Understandably these guys in the Sutter Basin area feel isolated, because they were…by George and Aaron. As keepers of all chartering information for the statewide membership of CRA, it was an easy task for them to obliterate Sutter-Yuba RA from all official records. (The Parks did this to many other chapters in their last months in CRA.)

While the minutes deserve more commentary in a future blog, the bombshell in the minutes was attributed to George Park who said
CIR has support of several legislators and Jim Brulte, the Chairman of the CA GOP, who has offered to donate $10,000 to ClR.
On June 8th, CIR consisted of five people: the three Park brothers (George, Aaron and John), Benita Gagne and the lowly Todd Blair. It is more than curious that Jim Brulte’s name would be invoked by the Just Us Brothers at this early date. As you recall, CIR did not even have a website up and running.
If this claim about Brulte is true it is problematic for many reasons.
• $10,000 is more than the State Party contributed to many of the Senate and Assembly candidates in the 2014 election cycle. Except for some targeted races, candidates were lucky if the State Party helped with the filing fee and ballot statement.
• $10,000 is more than the Party has given to CCR, CCC, CRA, Women’s Federated or any other volunteer group in the state in decades. If an unrecognized group with five statewide members can get this kind of cash from the Party, Brulte better be prepared to pony-up a lot more than that to other groups in the State.
• Where will this mythical $10,000 come from? Brulte has some discretionary funds he can direct but ultimately it must come from donors such as Charlie Munger. The Conservatives have their horses in this race already so only the “moderates” have walking around money for such a risky venture.
So as I see it, either the Just Us Brothers are spouting B.S. to try to impress their audience in the Sutter-Yuba RA or Jim Brulte has been outed as the “Angel” that is bankrolling the Park’s efforts to further divide Conservatives in California.
The one commonality in all this is that the Parks try to work using other folk’s money and not their own. Per Aaron’s admission, they have embezzled about $34,000 that we know of in the first half of 2015. These funds include
• Placer RA general fund ~$24K
• Placer PAC ~$4.5K
• CRA convention ~$5K
• CRA Business Roundtable ~$1.5K.
Oh, and in case you aren’t up on current affairs, I bet you didn’t hear the rest of the story about their early May 30th liquidation of the Placer Treasury. The money they voted to give to charity on May 30th was withdrawn from the bank ten days before the vote. Yeah, May 20th per the bank statement. Talk about fraud. They stole the money and then had a sham vote to cover their actions.
These guys are the real life Sharky and Grimma. They go from place to place trashing the Republican Shire wherever they tread and leave chaos and destruction in their wake.
Update 08-18-2015
In order to prompt those without the instinct to do the right thing, I submit the following additional comments:
Since clearing out the funds of Placer County RA on May 20th, to date Park has used the “E” word 18 times on his blog. The first time was on May 26th during a rant on Santa Clarita RA; the balance of times has been related to attacking Tom Hudson.
Instead of name calling let’s look at the description of Embezzlement and then let folks decide if it applies.
Elements common to embezzlement are as follows:
(1) the property must belong to a person other than the accused, such as an employer or principal;
(2) the property must be converted subsequent to the defendant’s original and lawful possession of it;
(3) the defendant must be in a position of trust, so that the property is held by him or her pursuant to some fiduciary duty; and
(4) the defendant must have an intent to defraud the owner at the time of the conversion.
So Just Us Brothers, (1) if funds belonged to others such as Placer RA, (2) ya’ll controlled it because you were signers on the account and (3) had a fiduciary responsibility as an officer and (4) then defrauded the rightful owners you’re guilty.
As I see it, your only defense is produce receipts to justify how the money was spent.