In June, our family went on a two week trek across the southwest. I plan to blog more about the trip later but there were three goofy things that I felt deserved mention on the blog.
Life is peculiar enough that you don’t need to make stuff up. Here’s a little proof of that.
Road Sign
On Interstate 40, just before you enter Kingman Arizona, is an exit that probably has a great backstory; I don’t know what it really is but you can’t help but speculate when you see the exit to Shinarump Road.
For those not so good with syllables it breaks down as “shine-a-rump road”.
I thought San Francisco was the leader in social decay but to see this sign welcoming you to John McCain’s backyard is weird. I guess what happens in Kingman stays in Kingman.
Window Sign
From New Mexico is this peculiar juxtaposition at the UFO Museum in Roswell.
The sign in the right-hand window is the last thing I expected to see in a place where “Aliens are among us” was regarded as true.

McDonald’s Sign
This entry from rural Texas really grated on the nerves of my school teacher wife.