Who Needs Cable When Trump is Your President

We are less than a month into the Trump Presidency and wow! Can this guy get results. I remember a comedy routine that Mike Warnke did many years ago. In it he talked of hitting them three ways, hard, fast, and continuously. That about sums up Trump. He is not only beating the crap out of the Swamp but making it a very public spectacle of the process. No sane person can defend the corruption that he and Elon Musk’s task force are outing. I had my doubts about Elon but in the early going, but thus far, Elon is a superstar.

The other humorous thing is how stupid the Federal Judges are that the Democrats are crying to about Trump taking away their graft and corruption. In essence, these judges are defending malfeasance and lawlessness. They don’t provide justice; they can only obstruct it.

The very idea that the duly elected executive of the Executive Branch of government has no power to oversee the agencies under his charge is just laughable. All the Supreme Court has to do is issue a one-line statement that the President has a Constitutional obligation to oversee the Executive Branch and then remand everything back to the lower courts. Case closed. Game. Set. Match.

I have to give credit to something Johnnie Does said in a recent editorial board meeting, “Trump is the type of Republican that the GOP promises us every four years and has not been able to deliver since at least Ronald Reagan.”

In politics, everybody loves a winner, as long as Trump continues to be successful, the GOP will gladly fall in line with him.

The Democrats are on the ropes or should be in a sane world. Sadly, for us, Liberalism is a mental (and spiritual) illness. The thought that Democrats will come to their senses is a dream. All they want is raw power. Remember, whatever else they may say, government is their GOD.

Yes, I know that it is unreasonable to expect the dead to act like the living; but I hope that those of us that are alive would at least make them jealous enough to consider the benefits of being real, live, boys instead of wooden automatons.

Democrats are lifeless puppets once their strings are cut

As good as all this is, until Congress makes Trump’s actions permanent, this is just a sideshow. It is encouraging how quickly Trump’s nominees are being approved. We have reason to hope.

Trump to Implement Israeli Plan—Proof we’re Really Right Again

If you recall, we have been saying that Israel’s solution to the October 7th war will be to empty Gaza of its citizens by either deporting them to other countries or bombing them into extinction. Well guess what? President Trump is proposing peace in the Gaza war by deporting virtually all the folks in Gaza to other countries.

On Saturday, President Donald Trump, who has previously brokered historic agreements in the region, suggested that Gaza could be cleared out after the devastation of the war started by Hamas on October 7, 2023, with Palestinians resettled in neighboring Arab nations for humanitarian reasons.

In a gaggle with reporters on Air Force One, Trump said:

“I’d like Egypt to take people and I’d like Jordan to take people. You’re talking about probably a million and a half people and we just clean out that whole thing and say, “You know it’s — over the centuries, it’s had many, many conflicts. And … something has to happen.” It’s literally a demolition site … So I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations and build housing in a different location, where they can maybe live in peace. … Could be temporary, could be long-term.”

Trump’s ‘Bold’ Plan to Relocate Gazans to Jordan, Egypt Gains Support: ‘Only Real Way to Achieve Peace’

Wanna bet that any money (financial incentives) to Egypt and Jordan to make this a reality will be funds diverted from the Ukraine War?

Living with Esophageal Cancer November 2024 Update 3

Another batch of procedures, another post. The main event this week was a probe being sent down my wife’s throat to check out her esophagus. The opening at the top of her esophagus is now a whopping 5 millimeters in diameter. The doctor was able to dilate the opening slightly, but this measurement is much smaller than last time when it was able to dilate to 20 mm (2 cm). As a result, he had to use a pediatric sized camera to see what was going on in there. The active tissue on the PET scan appears to be an ulcer at the bottom of the esophagus. No tissue was biopsied in this exam. That is good news; however, it sounded to me like the pediatric scope was not really capable of doing any tissue samples if they were needed. We will have a follow-up exam in about 3 weeks—assuming scheduling allows for this since it’s right in the middle of the holidays.

Also, this week a cyst was removed from her back. This is likely not a big deal, but it did appear during the early phases of chemo and radiation. Pathology is likely a week away.

My wife is capable of about two hours of activity a day before crashing. This is enough to put on a good show at the grocery store or church. Overall, her energy level is low. She is down to 155 pounds. This is the least amount she has weighed since beginning college. She is getting more calories but most of them are “junk calories” like pie filling and cheesecake. After some trial and error, she is now comfortable eating cold things like ice cream. Her daily calory goal is up to 1,400 per day, but like I said it’s quantity not quality nutrition.

Living with Esophageal Cancer November 2024 Update 1

In addition to everything else, my wife is now taking blood thinners. About a month ago, she had another scan. It showed that her tumors had reduced in size, but also that she had two pulmonary embolisms (blood clots in her lungs).

The PET/CT scan will be in about two weeks. This is the final verdict on the effectiveness of radiation and chemotherapy treatments. This is the benchmark of the best she will be or her “new normal.” The day following the scan, we will meet with the oncologist.

Thus far she is still on an essentially liquid diet. The exceptions are these: she can eat some cream-based soups and her oatmeal breakfast if she runs them through the food processor and liquifies the heck out of them first. The only somewhat solid food she can eat is slices of apple. She chews the apple slices and can swallow some of it. The rest she spits out onto a napkin and then tosses in the trash. Due to the lingering effects of chemo, she still can’t eat anything cold, so ice cream is not an option at this time. Also, anything with spices or tomatoes (including soups) are not something she can eat.

All her medicines are crushed into powder and mixed with liquids, or she can’t take them. Nasea is her constant companion, and she can’t sleep well at night. Amazingly, she has only lost 35 pounds since July. She has trouble walking and we now have handicapped placards in both cars. She needs either my help or that of a shopping cart to walk more than a few feet.

She has an amazingly positive attitude, but it is horrible to watch her suffer.

I plan to update again after the next scan.