L Brands to split into 2 companies: So L Brands which is the owner of Bath and Body Works as well as Victoria’s Secret has decided to split into 2 companies. This move will happen in August. They spent a lot of money on this, and the best those idiot bankers and consultants could come up with is a tax free spin off? Wall Street Jargo like you read about. I would have gone with “Lift and Separate” I mean isn’t that what Victoria’s Secret is famous for?

KC Chiefs Defensive End Frank Clark facing a felony gun charge in CA: Give this guy an all-time award for stupidity, $105 million dollar contract, Super Bowl winner rolls around in a 1993 Toyota Tercel with an Uzi in his back seat. So this Clark fella feels he needs to live in the hood, drive a ghetto car, and pack a semi-automatic machine gun on his person? Secondly how did he get charged with a Felony gun charge in LA County? Seriously in that County Capital Murder is punishable by a 2 minute timeout and no ice cream for dessert. Clark my suggestion, go with the “I was headed to the ANTIFA/BLM riot down the road”, if nothing else AOC will bail you out of jail.

Atlanta Falcons linebacker Barkevious Mingo arrested on felony indecency sexual conduct with a child on July 8th: First of all, I thought this Barkevious was a type of tree in California, second, I thought maybe this was like a tree disease in California, nope it’s just a skid mark on society’s underpants. He is 30 so he has had a 7 year career in the league so basically he has enough money to “buy sex” yet he picks out a child. Clearly the rich and powerful miss Jeffery Epstein.

I will say this on these two: THE NFL IS BACK BABY!!!!!!
Deranged woman attacks McDonald’s workers in Ohio suburb after not mixing all 3 slushy flavors together for her. Cherysse Cleveland attacked the manager and another employee after they refused to “mix all three slushy flavors into one cup.” She actually ended up getting her ass beat by an employee and arrested and charged as well. Dang, Cherrysse it’s a stupid $1.50 per slushie, what a rookie move to not just order all 3. Also why not go to, I don’t know, a place famous for making your own slushy like 7/11? We cannot post the video or I would provide additional commentary on what I saw.
- The lady with the headset throwing the haymakers: Total pro move, knowing you needed to keep working the drive thru headset whilst beating her a**. Gotta be peak efficiency.
- Cherysse here folks shows us the female silverback in her natural habitat.
- CNN I heard was starting a GoFundMe for her legal fees.
- Have to admire the form on Cherrysse prior to getting handcuffed, she knew what to do, this wasn’t her first rodeo.
- Is it sad I was waiting for the zookeeper to be called in to tranquilize this animal? Who beats up minimum wage workers over a stupid slushy?
- Wanna bet that Cherrysse isn’t working because she makes more on unemployment by staying home

Governor Newsom denies 21 oil drilling permits in Tulare County: I want to congratulate our benevolent King on his latest decree, I love paying big $$$ for gas. Makes me feel like a big shot…its ok I can afford it! Seriously talk about Common Core Math at work, less supply must equal lower gas prices, right? State Oil and Gas director Uduak-Joe Ntuk sent the letter and claimed it was in the “public health and safeties best interests to deny them.” I thought the Russians were folks who loved Trump and the oil industry, guess this person didn’t get the memo. We do not assume gender here at reallyright.com. Secondly have either of you been to Tulare County? It reeks of cow dung, public health from a couple more wells won’t matter much.

Bill Cosby released from jail: Just in time for his Jell-O pudding pop with depends boy Biden! BLM finally gets on of their own outta jail, may I suggest Bill Clinton replaces him? Oh wait he was the first black president sorry Barack.

Steve Ballmer in rare form at a Clipper game: The former Microsoft CEO and current Clippers owner did a wild celebration mid-way through the game. Pictured is the move. I’ll call it the double dick grab…wild move outta Ballmer. Ballmer though is certifiably crazy, like a total lunatic. Also has anyone every seen Ballmer and the Penguin from Batman Returns in the same room? I think they are the same person. #HeToo on this celebration. By the way, I wonder what Clipper’s super fans Pat Sajak and Billy Crystal have to say about this!

In closing, that double grab thing, I want to experiment by doing it to Jen Anniston and Carli Lloyd, you two down? I’ll call it the double D grab.

Johnnie Does, you medium rare pink B***h first of all Carli is super-hot, secondly my mother provides me 3 square, nutritious meals a day, and I do not live in her basement, I call it “my place.” Secondly I saw Jake the Snake the other week, and during his sermon he used props of a branch, an apple and said he forgot his last prop, so a live snake is out and about at your place. Sleep with both eyes open hardo.