By The Chief
Unless you are related to Aaron Park, you may have heard that disgraced human piece of excrement Jeffrey Epstein died this past weekend. Without wanting to be a conspiracy theorist, I will examine this through an unbiased lens. Epstein “allegedly” committed some heinous crimes towards underage children, involving adults of age. Crimes so gross the Blog Father and I decided not to discuss them in this space.

So, let’s have a look at the circumstances of his suicide…this is where things get very murky. You see Epstein was on suicide watch and when in jail, suicide watch means someone is physically watching you and supposed to be checking in on you every 30 minutes; think of a wellness check on steroids. Jails are very controlled environments and protocol is stressed big time, as lawsuits are very damaging since “the inmate is in PROTECTIVE custody” while in jail. Epstein was apparently removed from said suicide watch, which is odd since he tried to kill himself earlier. About this same time, he had a mysterious female visitor for two hours—in private. Then days later, he was found dead. A subsequent investigation somehow got us more questions than answers. First the guards were apparently faking making rounds checking on him. The cameras malfunctioned, for a time. He was moved to a different cell, had a cellmate, then didn’t. The hyoid bone, by the way, is a bone that is typically broken in strangulation not suicide, just keep that in mind.
Odd when you think about it, he knew exactly when to die so the cameras wouldn’t catch it, the guards wouldn’t be making the rounds, the autopsy would take days, then bam on a Friday afternoon the autopsy is done…death by suicide. Friday afternoon by the way is the slowest day in the news cycle…also when no one is paying any attention mind you. All this occurring less than 72 hours after he said he had info on former Gov. Bill Richardson and former Senator George Mitchell. Normally I would not call shenanigans on this but let’s delve into the other Clinton acquaintances who ended up “dead by suicide.”

James Mcdougal–of Whitewater fame, he was Ken Starr’s “star” witness, was found dead of an apparent heart attack in solitary confinement in jail
Mary Mahoney–a White House intern, was found murdered in a Starbucks. This occurred just after she was supposed to go public with her sexual harassment claim against Bill.
Vince Foster–he was a Clinton counselor at Rose Law Firm…yup that one…single gunshot wound to the head.
Ron Brown–former Sec of Commerce and DNC chair, found dead in a plane crash. Oh, he had a wound to the head consistent with a gunshot. Oddly enough he had spoken bout cutting a deal with prosecutors involving the Clintons…days later an air traffic controller on duty that day committed suicide.

C. Victor Raiser II–died in a single plane crash in 1992
Paul Tulley–a major DNC donor and Clinton friend, found dead in a Little Rock hotel room in 1992.
Ed Willey–a friend of Clinton and major fundraiser, found dead in the woods in VA. Gunshot wound to the back of head, ruled suicide, died same day his wife was set to come forward with allegations of Clinton groping his wife.
Jerry Parks–head of head of Gov Clinton’s security team, found dead in his car in rural Arkansas. His son said he was working on a dossier about Clinton and was set to go public. Where else have I heard that word dossier????? The dossier was removed from his house and never found.

James Bunch–suicide by gun shot. He claimed to have had a book about prominent politicians who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas.
James Wilson–died from alleged hanging; he had ties to Whitewater.
Kathy Ferguson–died of a gunshot wound; ruled a suicide. There were packed suitcases in her house where she died. She was the ex-wife of Clinton co-defendant Danny Ferguson in the Paula Jones case. Kathy was seen as someone trying to “collude” with Jones. Collusion???? Where have I heard that before?
Bill Shelton–fiancée of Kathy Ferguson and a state trooper in Arkansas, objected to the suicide ruling of his fiancée. He also died of suicide at her grave site of…single gunshot wound.

Gandy Baugh–an attorney for Clinton buddy Dan Lassater, died by jumping out of a window of a high building. His client was a convicted drug dealer.
Florence Martin–a CIA member, involved in the Barry Seal, Mena Arkansas airport drug smuggling venture was shot 3 times, ruled a suicide.
Suzanne Coleman–had an affair with Bill, was pregnant, died by suicide of a bullet to back of head. Suicide while pregnant…back of head shot…. strange.
Paula Grober–died in a single car crash; she was Clinton’s speechwriter for the deaf.

Danny Casolaro–investigator of the Arkansas airport smuggling scandal, slit his wrists halfway through the investigation.
Paul Wiltcher–was an investigator alongside Casolaro, found dead on a toilet in Washington DC three weeks after delivering a document and statements to Janet Reno. Guess he wanted to go out like Elvis???
Jon Parnell Walker–investigating Whitewater, he jumped from a very high building, suicide by concrete.
Barbara Wise–a Commerce Department worker, was found naked, and bruised, also dead locked in her office. Death ruled unknown.

Charles Meissner–died in a plane crash. That’s a lot of plane crash deaths so far here.
Dr Stanley Heard–a family doctor for the Clintons, died in a small plane crash and oddly enough his lawyer was on board!
Barry Seal – the drug running TWA pilot at the center of the Arkansas scandal…dead, maybe this one wasn’t an accident???
Johnny Lawnhorn Jr. – worked on Clinton’s cars, found dead in a car wreck where he hit a telephone pole, had a check made out to Clinton in the trunk of a car at his body shop. Woah that’s weird!
Stanley Huggins–he and Walker were investigating Madison Guaranty, his death a suicide, report was never released to the public.
Hershell Friday–big Clinton fundraiser, his plane exploded
Kevin Ives & Don Henry these two stumbled upon the Arkansas drug running scheme the initial autopsy said they died when they fell asleep on the rail tracks…huh? Then it was ruled they were likely slain and put on the rail tracks to cover up…that sounds more believable.
Then there are these 6 who had info on the Ives/Henry case above:
- Keith Coney–motorcycle hit the back of a truck
- Keith McMaskil– stabbed 113 times
- Gregory Collins–gunshot wound killed him
- Jeff Rhodes–killed, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump
- James Milan–found decapitated, coroner ruled “natural causes.” Huh???
- Richard Winters–he was a prime suspect in the case, was killed in a set up robbery
Looks like someone wanted these boys dead and gone from this earth, and to scare off any other folks who had info.
These are all bodyguards of the Clintons found dead:
- Major William S. Barkley, Jr.
- Captain Scott J . Reynolds
- Sgt. Brian Hanley
- Sgt. Tim Sabel
- Major General William Robertson
- Col. William Densberger
- Col. Robert Kelly
- Spec. Gary Rhodes
- Steve Willis
- Robert Williams
- Conway LeBleu
- Todd McKeehan
The most recent to die:
Seth Rich–former DNC staffer shot off camera (highly unlikely) in DC, I guess the shooter knew where the cameras didn’t record. Also, he was robbed…get this, of nothing! Julian Assange claimed to have the good on the killer mind you!
Sal Cincelli–an FBI agent investigating the Clinton foundation was found dead in the middle of a dance floor at a club, from 2 gunshot wounds to back of head…ruled a suicide.
There was a handful of others including celebrity Chef Anthony Boutdain who exclusively said on Twitter if found dead by suicide it wasn’t one…yet he was found dead and was ruled a suicide.
Again this is not to stir up conspiracies but that is a lot of people who are close to the Clintons dying of “multiple gunshot wounds” “plane crashes” and single gunshot wounds ruled as suicide. No wonder I got a lower rate on my life insurance when I said I was not related to the Clintons in anyway, even a chance encounter.

1980 – 2019
Editor’s Note: Shortly following the posting of this extensively researched blog post, the Chief succumbed to a fatal dose of lead poisoning. Apparently, as his teepee caught fire, the lead paint was absorbed into his lungs and caused his demise. At least that was the finding by the medical examiner that autopsied his charred body. The fire was so hot that the lead congealed into two large fragments about .45 caliber each.