Short Rebuttal to Right On Daily Part 6

I typically don’t try to dismantle someone else’s blog posts but this one deserves such a response. Below is the blog posted by Aaron Park yesterday, April 20th.

The setting is this, Aaron is adding his comments to the announcement for the May 30th CRA Board meeting called by 22 Board members.

Original meeting announcement in black.

Aaron’s commentary in blue as it appears on his blog

My comments in green.

Isn’t HTML great?

The CRA Coup Attempt Part 6 – The Agenda from the Lynch Mob

Please note that I will be adding comments for emhpasis. The perpetrators of this conspiracy decided that they were going to usurp John Briscoe after the 2015 CRA Convention because they knew he could not have been beaten for re-election.

Briscoe’s re-election slogan was “expect even more” but did he deliver? No. At the Board meeting after the Convention, Briscoe aborted the whole thing and never did even the rudimentary business required for the operation of the organization. When he gaveled the meeting over, none of the ten vice-presidents were assigned any territory or units to oversee and virtually all Committees defined in the Bylaws were empty. He left the organization rudderless and without direction.

The only winner of this failed Board meeting was George Park. Park, not only prevented the Charter Review Committee from doing its job prior to the Convention, but went home after the Convention with no Charter Review Committee. As a result, all aspects of chapter oversight and development for the entire state of California were his alone. Park now has sole custody of all membership data of the statewide organization. His bad behavior was rewarded by Briscoe’s failure to lead.

Briscoe – President of the CRA decided not to appoint several committees in light of recent in-fighting within CRA in an attempt to let things die down. The perpetrators of the coup could not allow that – so they used a little-known section of the by-laws to call a board meeting and set an agenda over the top of the CRA President. I am going to add notes in the agenda items so the readers of the blog can get a clear picture of what is being done.

Aaron and George Park were the ones doing the “in-fighting” and were rewarded for their belligerence.

Briscoe, as I’ve repeatedly stated, was the one that got seven of the ten statewide vice-presidents to agree to the May 30th meeting on a conference call that the Parks were not invited to join. About a week after the meeting was tentatively scheduled; Briscoe got cold feet (my words not the VPs) and let it drop. However, he did not stop preparations that he had initiated to reserve a room and schedule a meeting in Santa Barbara. When it became clear that he would not set any meeting date in the foreseeable future, the VPs acted and made the meeting call.

The agenda in the announcement (below) that Aaron is bellyaching about is rather typical and includes the items left unresolved after the last meeting. The one that really frosts him is that his brother is not listed under Report of Officers.

As of this point – George and I are facing unknown charges brought by CRA Vice President Mark Gardner, who fancies himself as an intelligent arbitor of by-laws and rules. In truth, Mr. Gardner is a small-minded bully whose ego is so large (and thin) that he gets easily led around by the nose. CRA Vice President Tim Thiesen and Alice Khosravy are leading the coup from behind the scenes – that is until Khosravy’s membership fraud was exposed. The individual they used to send out this call is a board member named Carl Brickey who is sometimes employed as a campaign operative.

Aaron, the charges you are facing will be given to you in writing prior to the meeting. Ethical people are showing you more grace than you often show others. Your characterization of the members listed above is laughable. You’ve had it in for Alice for many months.

Board Member,

A Board of Directors meeting of the California Republican Assembly is hereby called for Saturday, May 30, 2015, at 9:00 am in the Cabrillo Room of the Courtyard Santa Barbara Goleta located at 401 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117.  This Board meeting is called pursuant to Article VIII (Board of Directors), Section 8.04 (Meetings) which states:

Section 8.04.  Meetings.  The Board of Directors shall meet at such times and places as may be determined by the Board or by call of the President.  If no meeting has been held or noticed to occur within thirty days, then one quarter of the Board may call a Board meeting.  There shall be at least two meetings each year; one immediately after the close of the Annual Convention.  Fourteen days’ written notice of the time and place of all in-person Board meetings, except the meeting at the close of the Annual Convention, shall be provided to all Board members by the Corresponding Secretary or by whoever called the meeting.

This extraordinary measure has been undertaken by 22 Board members to ensure that a Board meeting agreed to by the President and the Vice Presidents for May 30, 2015 in Santa Barbara on an April 7, 2015 conference call is scheduled.  Unfortunately, rumors have circulated that the President has decided not to call a Board meeting for this date and will not call a meeting until late summer.  Therefore, this notice is intended to guarantee that the Board meeting is called as agreed.

The following is the proposed agenda:

I.    Call to Order (9:00 am)

II.  Invocation

III.  Pledge of Allegiance

IV.  Welcoming Remarks

V.  Roll Call

a. Excused Absences

VI.  Adoption of the Agenda

VII.  Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s)

VIII. Filling of Vacancies

(This is where they intend to load the board with more drones who will vote to expel George and I, regardless of the evidence or legitimacy of the charges)

Vacancies are filled by people willing to do the job, not on some imaginary Park haters litmus test. Quit projecting your beliefs and motivations onto others.

IX.  Reports of Officers

a. Voter Registration Secretary’s Report

b. Treasurer’s Report

c. Communications Report – VP Alice Khosravy

(Note that this report did not include a report of the membership secretary in anticipation of George Park getting lynched)


The Board has been locked out of the membership records for several months—much of that time under the claim that ya’ll didn’t want membership information to be released to the public and to protect the privacy of members. Ironically, only people named Park have been posting it willy-nilly on the Internet for any and all to see. Thou hypocrites.

X.  Reports of Committees

a. Convention Sites – VP Mark Gardner

(This is a jam-down of a Fresno Convention in 2017, and to attempt to force the issue with minimal debate)

Who cares if there’s a convention in Fresno? Just because you and your brother won’t be in charge? Sounds like whining to me. Just a few days ago you and President Briscoe were singing the praises of a meeting at Harris Ranch. That’s about the same general area of the state.

XI.  Unfinished Business

(This is where they intend to make committee appointments over the top of John Briscoe, including the By-Laws Committee and the Charter Review Committee with the 2/3 majority they get from loading the board)

Assigning Committees only needs 50 percent plus one vote. Why Aaron thinks anyone needs to stack to deck is ridiculous. All they need to do is bring your deeds into the light and the two thirds will happen. I guess you really think everything is about you. If so, learn to be disappointed.

XII.  New Business

a.  Complaints against Aaron Park and George Park

(This is the lynching)

On man’s lynching is another man’s justice.

b.  Vice President Territories

(This is called dividing the empire amongst the conspirators)

This is called doing the non-controversial job that the President abdicated at the last Board meeting. This is the foundation of a battle plan for the 2016 elections. Winning elections, now that’s controversial.

c.  Consideration of Amendments to Unit Bylaws

(This is where they will “fix” the by-laws of all the fake units like Nevada, Pasadena and Ventura in order to prevent the state board from being able to re-organize them for not meeting for long periods of time. They will also take territory away from the Glendale Burbank RA in order to cover Alice’s error in chartering part of the fraudulent Pasadena RA)

Paranoia. What is it with the Parks and Nevada RA? Nevada promised at the January Board meeting to comply by the Convention and they did and you can’t stomach it. Why? Because you don’t control the unit?

d.  2015-2016 Board Meeting Schedule

(This is where they will override John Briscoe and call board meetings until the next convention over the top of him)

If John wants to continue to lead from behind then maybe Aaron got this one right. At least the Board will have meetings and a purpose.

e. Compensation for victims of fraudulent actions by Membership Secretary & his Bro

One Year of LifeLock paid by CRA for people who have their financial data posted on the Internet

XIII.  Announcements

XIV.  Adjournment

The Board meeting will be hosted by the Santa Barbara Republican Assembly.  The registration fee is $40.00 per person through May 25, 2015 and includes lunch.  Payment is online through PayPal using the link After this date, the registration fee increases to $50.00, payable in cash only at the door.

The roster of the CRA Board of Directors currently lists 60 members.  Therefore, 15 members is the minimum required to call a meeting pursuant to Section 8.04 of the CRA Bylaws.  The following 22 members have agreed to this call to meeting.