Republican Chair Caught Stealing

Finally this has gone public. Our local Republican Central Committee has been covering this up for several months. It’s unfortunate that the liberal media has to break the story because we can’t police ourselves.

The local Chair of the county party helped herself to over $35,000 and others in the party covered it up. The story can be found at Sacramento Bee Newspaper (registration is required).

The resignation of former Sacramento County Republican Party Chairwoman Donna Schalansky has become the flash point in an internal party battle that centers on whether thousands of dollars of reimbursements she received were in violation of state law.

State law requires information about “third-party payees” be disclosed for reimbursements of $500 or more. But financial disclosure forms filed with the secretary of state’s office show Schalansky received 29 payments of $500 or more—a total of $35,922—between 2003 and 2006 without receipts showing who received the payments for which she was reimbursed.

Thus far no audit has been done and none is schedule. Members are not being allowed to see the books and no complete treasurer reports are being given out at the meeting. I have it on good authority that others are involved and that this may involve the state party as well.