Sheriff’s Election: Dave Schuman Issues Response

Folks Dave Schuman issued a press release yesterday. Here it is in its entirety. Please note that I’m not putting this in block quotes because it’s too darn long. FYI I’ve also seen it online as a three-page Word document.



Shortly after I announced my candidacy a complaint was lodged questioning my integrity based off of statements made during my political campaign. That in itself should tell you that the complaint is politically motivated.

Majority of those very same statements, made during a previous campaign 8 years prior were not complained about then. You might want to ask; “Who would benefit by shaming Dave Schuman”?

The complaint ranged from my job descriptions listed on my resume for my assignment with the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office.  A job description that I copied and pasted, written by the county. The fact that the present administration opted not to use me to the fullest definition of that job description does not make the job description invalid, or shows any misconduct on my part.

I quoted statements passed onto me from a past supervisor of mine, Undersheriff Tim Day, as to the success of the Drug Task Force that I worked in for a number of years. Again, not an issue on me.

Every part of the complaint would be first line supervisor corrective actions needed,  at best. That was never conducted.

Instead the complaint was sent to Idaho P.O.S.T (police academy) launching an investigation, also causing a personnel action.

Based on the investigation being initiated the current Sheriff did the proper thing and placed me on administrative leave.

Being a county employee on administrative leave undergoing a personnel action, disclosure of all the facts were limited. A step that often is used to stiffel  the truth

Given the fact that I met my requirements for retirement and I am a candidate for Sheriff that supports clarity and the U.S & Idaho Constitution,  I retired,  last day being 31 March  2024. My highest certification I obtained in Idaho is a Masters level.

My retirement gave me the ability to clarify a lot of things.  The only thing I cannot comment on is the P.O.S.T Investigators final report. My retirement is also in line with the motto I have conducted throughout career. That being “Do The Right Thing, Even When Not Popular. “

The reasons I can’t comment on the final report are:

* I don’t know all steps taken.

* I am not the author of the report.

The timing of this complaint is very suspect,  especially when I have never been counseled for such actions in an 44 1/2 year career.

I have a proven track record in regards to sound Constitutional decisions resulting in zero payout. Both as a line officer and a leader. It is not buzz words to me. The  Constitution’s core promises of equal protection under the law to all.

Depending on the outcome of the election on 21 May 2024 will dictate what further action is required in regards to the complaint.

Recently a local news outlet published 1/2 of this story after telling me that they wouldn’t do such a thing without the complete facts being presented. We are still awaiting a final report from the Idaho Police academy. Due process is a must.  That’s not happening here. No criminal acts were depicted in the complaint,  but those that are jumping on the bandwagon sure are trying to paint a different picture without facts. Some might call that slander.

I have a long history of protecting others.  It feels very different to be viewed that I need to defend myself.  Fact is I have done nothing wrong, this is an attempt to slime me and torpedo our campaign.

In regards to past leadership facts that are conveniently omitted by my some are:

* By the command structure of the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office there are only 5 , on paper Supervisory positions.  Being:

– Sheriff

– Undersheriff

– Patrol Sergeant

– Detention Sergeant

– Dispatch Supervisor

Additional information omitted is:

My past duties makes me tailored made to be Sheriff of Boundary County.

My, on paper,  leadership experience shows in excess of 17 years with U.S Army, supervising U.S.A Citizen & Foreign Citizens,  U.S.A military & Foreign military. In both combat and non-combat situations. I received many accommodations and decorations,  ranging from a Meritorious Service Medal down to a Service award.

As a Platoon Sergeant for the majority of my military career I directly lead 32 Military Police Service members,  very similar to the size of BCSO. Primarily taking care of military installations, population equal to that of Boundary County.

I have managed multi millions dollar plus budgets and multi millions dollars plus accountability and serviceability of equipment. But that is played down by some.

Not being a bean counter or Commander of my own desk and being an active participant of the day to day line officer activities in Boundary County is what the role of an effective Sheriff is for our community.

I accept the fact that not everyone shares my vision,  but I will not accept a person or persons that insist on trying to con our community.

I might not always make you happy,  but you will always receive the truth.

It is unfortunate that the ridiculous political actions being conducted at a National level have trickled down to our County.

I know Boundary County.  I have lived it, worked it, protected and fallen in love with it and hope as Sheriff I will be able to help make our County shine in a positive light and the undignified actions of others are decreased.

I have have a proven history of honesty and integrity.  I have never violated anyone’s civil or constitutional rights.

My name is Dave Schuman, and I am running for Boundary County Sheriff.

End of press release quotation.

Folks, tomorrow is election day here and this race is looking to be a barn burner.