One thing I will never understand about the LGBTQ community no matter how many times its explained: why do they accept the Trans community? Think about it. If you are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or queer those are human sexuality/lifestyle choices. I dated a girl, and after we had broken up, she decided she liked both girls and boys, so she became bi-sexual. (Note to the weirdos out here: I understand it meant she discovered her sexuality but still my point stands.) I also know a friend who decided she was only into girls (lesbian) after seeing a movie where Jennifer Aniston got completely naked. (Contributors to this blog have a much different reaction to seeing Jennifer in the buff.)

Friends of our family have gotten divorced and decided they too preferred same sex relationships as opposed to traditional relationships. In all of these cases while it was not always taboo, most forget we banned gay marriage as a state in 2008; nevertheless, acceptance has become far more prevalent today.
I understand full well why those groups are all accepted into the LGBQ crowds, it’s a matter of sexual preference. Note: many at the blog have lifestyle issues with these folks, but do not see them as disruptive to civilized society. The Nine in Black Robes made it the law of the land and we chose to accept it. No hate is needed here.

However, one group who in my opinion pigeonholed themselves into that crew who is doing heavy damage to our society: The transgender crowd.
Trans folks have a very different set of circumstances than the rest of the rainbow crowd. This is not about sexual preference or attraction, this is about making yourself into a real-life science project, one where undoing it may be impossible.
In the case of the folks that I mentioned above that changed their sexual identity or attraction, their circumstances were different; however, trans folks are cut from a much different cloth. No one I know who is LBGQ has openly advocated for folks coming out who are not in fact LBGQ. The “T” crowd is doing exactly that. Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner started all of this, and Fox News gave it a place to spew their filth unchecked. It has since taken off like wildfire. The trust the science crowd from Covid fame are just as guilty here.
Folks who become transgendered are mutilating God’s creation. If you refuse to believe in God, fine… your birth parents can get credit for your creation. As a baby develops, its body creates its own chemicals and biological functions based on genetic information programmed into its very being at conception. Adding care, nutrition, and time will follow the genetic code. Gender is determined for you before you are ever born. In what crude world would someone try to stop testosterone or estrogen from being created? Or worse yet, chemically reverse it? These are the questions no one is asking this crowd. I’m sorry but having someone put a dress on or a halter top does not make them a girl. Like I said this is nothing but a science project.

I’ll back up a minute.
Say a young boy decides, likely via his “friends,” that he is really a girl. Perhaps he buys some sex toys, follows some unorthodox people on Instagram or Only Fans, and is stunned at how dirty old men/perverted women will “pay/tip” to watch a show. Soon he goes deeper down the rabbit hole and starts buying girl’s clothing. He buys a wig, and heels and now he has a full-on persona of a female. There is still a problem, He is not satisfied with mere cosplay. His body knows he is a boy, even if he has a problem with that mentally and/or emotionally. Somewhere in all this confusion, he still feels he is not good enough. He is convinced by others that taking chemicals to alter his body into thinking it’s a girl will fill the emptiness inside. He gets a prescription from a local baby killing factory for hormone blockers. His body will now begin to grow female organs and he will be having the male ones diminished, suppressed via chemicals, or outright removed. To further the change, he legally changes his name. Now the transformation is basically complete even if there are a few details to iron out.
Now you let me ask you this. Say this person who was in high school/college during this period gets closer to 40. All his friends are married or seriously dating someone else, whether the same gender or opposite. “She” now realizes that this gender switch isn’t what he thought it would be. Most of us have something that we did in our youth that we regret but very few of us pay as high a price as this unfortunate soul. Depending on the level of self-mutilation, there may not be any path to return to your former state. It’s too late. The science likely won’t be available and if it is, likely won’t be covered for free like the initial change was. The devastation will be so much, they likely will kill themselves. Look it up, stats don’t lie, and suicide among this crowd is far higher than any other group…. by far.
Congrats to the crowd who is pushing this science project on families across the USA. The devastation from this will be felt for generations to come. It’s not science, its mutilation thru manipulation, we used to try to bring awareness to this in Africa, now we accept it.
I feel at some point, the LBGQ group will wise up and get this crowd out of their inner circle.
One of those things isn’t like the others.
The Chief