Yes, I said it and stay tuned because I mean it. Volodymyre Zelensky or however the heck you spell that Scrabble winning name has finally done it. He touched a nerve that cannot be untouched. Crossed the red line that cannot be crossed back. He has become an ungrateful prick.
This guy is a former actor or comedian or something. Frankly I do not care. He is not a leader; he is the definition of a bottom feeder.
He won election in 2019, as such he should have been well aware of Russia illegally annexing Crimea, and parts of the Donbass Region (Donetsk and Luhansk) back in 2014. This is when Russia rolled through and Ukraine more or less just let them take the area’s they wanted. No defense was raised, and little was ever done except international condemnation. I’m sure Putin is still shaking about other countries calling it “an illegal occupation.”

He knew full well Ukraine was not a member of NATO or the EU because Ukraine didn’t want to be. They are and still remain one of the most corrupt nations in the world, just look it up for yourself. If you think the; Biden’s, Clinton’s, or Trump’s are bad, get ready to be stunned, Ukraine is very corrupt. Back to my point about NATO and EU, since they are not member nations, they are supposed to get no benefits. Think of it like declining to buy healthcare insurance, then after finding out you have cancer, you think you can buy and get benefits.
Well for about a year Russia was stockpiling troops, vehicles, and tanks at the border with Ukraine. For God only knows what reason, Ukraine didn’t seem to care or heed the warnings from the West about the build-up. Then came Russia putting up makeshift hospitals and blood banks. Again, Ukraine didn’t react. Finally in February of 2022, Russia attacked, and rolled through quite a bit of Ukrainian territory.
Once this occurred the supreme leader of Ukraine made daily demands of weapons and artillery from the West. Bear in mind, Ukraine is not a member of NATO or the EU, and the alliance was not bound to help. Keep in mind he ignored the Russian threats for about a year prior to the attack, it was all choreographed. SAD!

Zelensky’s demands grew louder by the day, and as a result some NATO countries sent supplies. Ukraine was fighting Russia with mostly the same military vehicles and the like. The problem with NATO and EU supplying Ukraine with military might is the Ukrainians are not trained to use it, so the host country would need to send trainers (military advisors) as well. As such, now NATO began to get involved in the war.
NATO countries Turkey, Britain, Germany, Canada, and the US all sent surplus weapons, drones, supplies etc. Ukraine demanded more, and better ones to boot. Turkey sent quite a few drones, and applicable bombs, the US sent Javelin anti-tank missiles, and NATO began to empty old stockpiles and it became a proxy war. This still was not good enough as Ukraine continued to want more and more, also for free. Now Ukraine has begun getting even more modern NATO weapons such as the US HIMARS (a very expensive mobile missile launcher.) AKA a massive killing machine with very long range. Poland sent the Krab, France has sent the Caesar, all of these are modern killing machines. Oh, now that Ukraine has exhausted the ammo, they now are demanding more ammo. Free gratis by the way.
Then came November 15th of last year, a missile hit NATO country Poland, killing at least one. Poland summoned Russia to essentially ask what happened, Ukraine claimed it was all the fault of Russia and for NATO to enact title 5. Title 5 is NATO’s way of saying an attack on 1 is an attack on all, and basically God have mercy on the attacker’s soul because NATO will not. Turns out it was a Ukrainian missile, yup.
Ukraine has also been employing Taliban type tactics of housing military under hospitals, or air defense inside a school…. don’t believe me? Check out the news. Sure, Russia has blown up homes and schools, but they also blew up the air defense system located right on top of it. Of course, that won’t be reported here by the mainstream media as it doesn’t fit the narrative. Also, the news about the wayward missile that hit Poland? Oh yeah it is no longer discussed.
Now there is talk of a major Russian attack coming. Our intelligence has told Ukraine this for a couple weeks now, again Ukraine did nothing, and now they are demanding fighter jets, more modern weapons including our signature tank. Free again; well because we hate Putin too.
I don’t know about you, but I am tired of seeing this Zelenskyy guy all over the media/news all the time. He never says thanks, demands all kinds of stuff. Like the homeless guy you walk by each day, first you gave pocket change, now he wants dollar bills, then higher bills, now he wants lodging and food for free. Where does it end? How come they had no military? Why did they never join the EU or NATO? Nothing is good enough for this guy. I feel bad for what is happening there but I’m sorry you aren’t in the alliance; we have no duty to help you. Biden keeps sending more and more, and by the way did you see the report from the Pentagon that Ukraine cannot account for about a third of what we have sent them? No breakdown of equipment or money, but they cannot account for it. Corrupt nation anyone?
The disturbing thing about that last sentence is not the unaccounted for money, we have a bigger problem with that at home than abroad, it’s the equipment. You see in NATO, countries share technology and in essence can buy weapons off one another. All weaponry is equipped with a kill switch so if a plane, tank, or what not is taken down or disabled, the kill switch blows up the equipment. Thus, you cannot copy the IP. If Ukraine has lost NATO’s state of the art weapons who is to say China won’t copy the IP?
And we want to let Ukraine into NATO when this is over?
Think about it!
The Chief