Well, it took about 18 months, but New York finally flattened something. Nope, not Covid, but their governor Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo—once believed to be a top 2024 presidential frontrunner—resigned in disgrace after the floodgates were finally opened about his repeated sexual assaults and harassment. Please don’t confuse the “Luv Gov” with his weightlifter, health nut, Trump hating brother, Chris who doubles at Andrew’s PR guy on CNN. Andrew may wish to take advice from his brother Chris, since it appears the two are father son, more than brothers…. just saying, but now on to the story.

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo was accused back in December of last year of sexual harassment by multiple women. The New York State Assembly started impeachment proceedings in March…. once they found out they weren’t impeaching Trump or seeking his tax returns, they basically folded up and quit the investigation. At the end of February New York AG (Attorney General) Letitia James announced her own investigation into Cuomo. The results and report finally came out on August 10th. Trump would have been impeached about 50 times over in the same amount of time. Justice Kavanaugh ironically was crucified, in less time, with a fraction of the charges, and no evidence at all we remind you.
PDF above is complete New York A.G. Report on Cuomo.
In the meantime, prior to the report from AG James coming out, the entire congressional delegation of New York (it’s pretty big) called on him to resign, both senators, and NYC Mayor and fellow scum bag Bill DeBlasio. It was a rare showing of bipartisanship. Cuomo ignored it, and so did his brother on CNN Chris. Funny because Chris fawned all over his brother during his mishandling of Covid in nursing homes, more on this later.

I was not going to publish the names of the victims, but BLM always says “say their names” so here goes, names and actions of Cuomo:

Charlotte Bennett
In late February 2021, Charlotte Bennett, an executive assistant and health policy advisor to Cuomo, accused him of sexual harassment, which included questions about her sex life. In a March 5 video interview with CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell, Bennett said that during a one-on-one meeting in the governor’s office on June 5, 2020, Cuomo implied “that I was old enough for him and he was lonely.” Bennett went on to claim that Cuomo’s office director took the state’s mandatory sexual harassment training for him, “I was there. I heard [the office director] say, ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this for you’ and making a joke about the fact that she was completing the training for him. And then I heard her at the end ask him to sign the certificate.”

Anna Ruch
In early March 2021, a third person, Anna Ruch, a member of the Obama administration (who later served on Joe Biden’s presidential campaign), said that when they were speaking at a wedding reception Cuomo put a hand on her back, that she removed it, and that he then placed his hands on her face cheeks and asked if he could kiss her. A friend photographed Cuomo touching her face.

Ana Liss
On March 6, 2021, Ana Liss, a policy and operations aide to Cuomo from 2013 to 2015, became the third former aide to accuse Cuomo of sexual harassment. Liss said Cuomo called her “sweetheart,” touched her on her lower back while they were at a reception, and also once kissed her hand after she stood up from her desk.

Karen Hinton
Also on March 6, Karen Hinton, a former press aide for Cuomo when he served as the US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, said that in 2000, Cuomo had, while meeting with her in a California hotel room, hugged her in an “inappropriate” and “unethical” embrace. Hinton has more recently worked for Cuomo rival New York Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Brittany Commisso
On March 9, 2021, the Times Union of Albany reported an anonymous member of the governor’s Executive Chamber staff had accused Cuomo of inappropriate touching. On March 11, the same newspaper reported she said Cuomo called her to his mansion, reached under her blouse, and fondled her. Cuomo denied the allegation.
On April 7, 2021, an unnamed executive assistant to Cuomo alleged that she had been summoned to the governor’s mansion in November 2020 to help Cuomo with a problem with his iPhone. After reaching him, Cuomo allegedly rose from his desk and began groping her. After the aide told him his behavior would get him in trouble, Cuomo then shut the door and said “I don’t care.” He returned and groped one of her breasts under her bra by reaching under her blouse. She then left following the groping. A month later she claimed that Cuomo told her to cover-up what had occurred. Her identity was revealed on August 8, 2021 as Brittany Commisso.

Kaitlin (last name not reported as Jenner)
On March 12, Kaitlin (last name unreported), who formerly worked for the governor’s office, alleged that Cuomo had made her feel uncomfortable in various situations, with his comments, questions, requests, and invasions of her personal space. She did not allege inappropriate touching or explicit sexual propositions.

Jessica Bakeman
Jessica Bakeman, a former member of the Capitol press corps who worked for Politico New York, wrote about the atmosphere for women in Albany, New York. On March 12, for the New York magazine website, she wrote that Cuomo had touched her on her arms, shoulders, the small of her back, and waist in 2012, and put his arm around her back and his hand on her waist posing for a picture at a holiday party in 2014 (she wrote that “For years, I would relive that moment at the holiday party”), and made multiple “humiliating” comments during her time covering him. She wrote of the incident in 2014: “Keeping his grip on me as I practically squirmed to get away from him, the governor turned my body to face a different direction for yet another picture. He never let go of my hand.”

Valerie Bauman
On March 18, Valerie Bauman, a reporter for Bloomberg, said in a tweet that during Cuomo’s tenure as New York Attorney General from 2007 to 2010, there was a period of “rampant sexism and sexual harassment.” Cuomo allegedly also made her uncomfortable with unwanted flirting and eye contact. She also claimed that in 2007, upon meeting her, “He took my hand, entered my personal space and looked into my eyes as he announced, ‘Hello, I’m Andrew Cuomo'”.]

Alyssa McGrath
On March 19, Alyssa McGrath, the first current employee to come forward publicly, spoke to The New York Times claiming Cuomo chronically ogled female aides like herself, commenting about their appearances in a way McGrath found inappropriate. McGrath also said that the aide who alleged Cuomo sexually assaulted her in the Executive Mansion “described the encounter in detail to her after it was made public in a report in the Times Union last week.” McGrath claimed that Cuomo told her not to talk with the anonymous aide about the incident.

Sherry Vill
During a March 29, 2021 Zoom news conference with an attorney, Sherry Vill alleged that Cuomo kissed her cheek in front of family members while inspecting her flood-damaged house during a May 28, 2017 visit to her Rochester-area home following a flood. Vill said the kiss was of a “highly sexual manner.” Cuomo also kissed Vill for a second time on the cheek outside her home in a “very aggressive manner.”

Unnamed state trooper
According to the August 2021 report, Cuomo met the state trooper in November 2017 and lobbied to hire her as part of his security detail despite her not satisfying the requirements for the post; she was indeed hired, and Cuomo later inappropriately touched her stomach and back, and also made inappropriate comments.

First unnamed state entity employee
According to the August 2021 report, Cuomo met this unnamed state entity employee at an event in September 2019, where he tapped and grabbed her buttocks while they were posing for photographs.

Second unnamed state entity employee
According to the August 2021 report, Cuomo in March 2020 made inappropriate comments to this unnamed state entity employee, a doctor, who had administered a nasal swab test on Cuomo at a press conference.

Virginia Limmiatis
According to the August 2021 report, Cuomo met energy company employee Virginia Limmiatis at an event in May 2017, where he touched her chest with his fingers.

Governor Cuomo finally stepped down 8/24, but on his way out, he commuted the sentences of 4 murderers, which tells me he will be running for something again soon, likely DA. I say this because it seems like a pre-requisite to brandish your anti-law enforcement, pro crime policies to make yourself desirable to the Democrat base. (It worked in Los Angeles so why not?) Whilst doing so, he basically said he was innocent, and this was all one big witch hunt. Isn’t call this a “witch hunt” a sexist way of saying it was the women’s fault not his?
My commentary on this is simple but may come off as male chauvinist. First off Cuomo is wealthy, son of a former governor (Mario) and has been in politics quite literally his whole life. He should be able to get with almost any women he wants, it shouldn’t be that hard. (Didn’t we recently write about a mayor that behaved like this? — editor) Why the harassment? And by the way I read quite a bit of the AG report, he is a gross sicko of a human. Telling aides and staffers to “sit on his lap” like he is some shopping mall Santa Clause?

This guy literally seemed to make lewd comments or gestures with any member of the opposite sex he came in contact with. It truly is a stunning fall from grace for a man who could have been governor until he didn’t want it anymore. Especially with all the favorable press he got during Covid.
Speaking of Covid did anyone see how the new governor, Kathy Hochul, on her first day on the job released the “real number” of deaths in nursing homes under Cuomo’s rule? Yeah, it’s an additional 12,000. Yup, now it makes sense … all the refrigerated trucks. What a low life scumbag this guy was. Not only did he kill your grandparents/parents he then lied and covered it up.
Not to be outdone, Joe Biden said Cuomo did a great job as governor. This just begs for comparing trapped Americans in Afghanistan with trapped Americans in New York nursing homes.
Kind of ironic, all his harassment and assaults of women….to think he was replaced with New York’s first women governor. LOL
BTW that headline…. kind of Babylon Bee worthy, isn’t it?