We will know sometime this week if the Boy Scouts of America will be the latest institution to abandon traditional values and embrace the lies of multicultural and politically correct Liberalism. Interest groups and conservative pundits that should be opposed to this assault on another fine American Institution have been strangely silent.
The vote will be held in secret sometime this week. No scouts or parents of scouts will be allowed to watch the proceedings. No scouts or leaders of scouting were consulted, polled, surveyed or given any input. The corporate board of BSA is going to sell-out millions of parents and children for a few corporate dollars.
If this policy change is approved then my son will be forced out of scouting because Scouting will have rejected the values of its Christian founders and will not be a safe environment for activities. I have kept my son out of the public school system because of all the pro-homosexual mandates placed in the education code of California. Mark Leno’s values may be from the pit of hell but that doesn’t mean I will voluntarily turn my children over to these pedophiles and perverts.
This is yet another proof that divine judgment continues to ratchet-up as the United States persists in its decline.
For a summary of this under reported issue see http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/look-which-companies-dumping-boy-scouts/