Ray Sutton Coming to Elk Grove

Ray R Sutton was one of many young lions on the theological frontiers of Christian Reconstruction in the 1980’s. He was part of the Tyler Texas group of prolific writers put together by Gary North. Sutton was not one of the core leaders of the group, which included David Chilton, Greg Bahnsen and others, but his contributions were significant.

Sutton’s book, That You May Prosper, was important to much of the later writing of the group in Tyler. In this book Sutton analyzed the biblical covenant model and went light-years beyond the work of Meredith G. Kline.

In the intervening years, Sutton has only published one book. His spiritual journey from Presbyterian minister to Bishop in the Reformed Episcopal Church has not been a public one. It can be assumed that some of his views have been modified during this period by his life experiences but he remains theologically conservative.

Sutton has apparently channeled the heat of his fiery days in Tyler and directed it into light for the larger church. He is a lead representative and spokesman for the Reformed Episcopal Church. For many years he has been involved in the theological training of the RE seminaries. Since involving himself in the RE, he has also received his doctorate from Oxford.

He will be speaking in Elk Grove, CA on Saturday, May 20th on the Uniqueness of Christianity. I invite you to hear his presentation. Best of all, he has three scheduled times during his presentation for questions and answers. It would be worth it just for the Q & A periods. (Plus the location is two doors down from one of the best microbreweries on the West Coast.)
Click here for details.


That You May Prosper.

Second Chance.

Who Owns the Family?


Covenant: What is it Anyway by Ray Sutton (.pdf)

A Tract on the Covenant by Ray Sutton (.pdf)

A Covenental View of Blood by Ray Sutton (.pdf)