The Long Journey Continues

Sometimes, when your reality and expectations align, it’s not a good thing. Yes, I know that is contrary to what our culture teaches, but do you still believe the Disney lie that following your heart is a good thing? 2025 looks to be the long slow plodding walk thru the valley of the shadow of death.

Let me explain.

The meeting that my wife and I had with her oncologist a few days ago was depressing. She finally asked the “big question;” namely, “What is my prognosis?”

The doctor’s response was that she had a fifty percent chance of living ten … to twelve months. He initially stopped after saying ten and then added the “to twelve months” after a brief pause. I felt that the subtext of his answer was buckle up buttercup, the water is about to get really rough.

This reply was followed by a discussion of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or doing nothing. I thought these were the three choices, but they managed to decide on a fourth option. My wife will begin to do both chemo and immunotherapies simultaneously starting next Tuesday. The chemo will be a slightly different cocktail of drugs than last time, the major side effect of this round will be diarrhea. Why she thinks that side effect is better than cold sensitivity is a mystery to me. I’m picturing her having to be within line-of-sight of the nearest toilet and potential dehydration as a horrible way to live.

My wife wants to go out swinging, which is a good trait and one I expect from an upbeat and optimistic person. I kind of think the quantity versus quality-of-life question should have been asked but it wasn’t. I can’t help but wonder if the cure is worse than the disease. The die is now cast and our course plotted for the next few months.

Oh, lastly my mom is down to 88 pounds and not doing well. I may be trekking to the once golden state more times than I want is year to say farewell to family members.

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