Tribe Declares Beth Gaines “one of us”

Occasionally unintended moments of humor do arise in the political world. During the Rush Limbaugh show on KFBK this morning I heard an independent expenditure ad on behalf of Assembly Candidate Beth Gaines that caused me to get a good laugh.

The Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians has the casino on Interstate 5 near Corning. They are running political ads on behalf of Gaines. Prior to the ad running, there is the required legal disclaimer that normally runs at the beginning or end of such ads. The wording is something like this: the content of the ad is not endorsed by any candidate and the ad is paid for by the Nomlaki Indian tribe. Then the ad espouses the virtues of Gaines and ends with the tag that “she is one of us.”

When I heard that tag line I laughed out loud. I have walked precincts with Beth and her Senator husband and I can assure you that she is as lily white as I am. The thought that an Indian tribe would run an ad with the theme that she is “one of us” is hysterically funny.

I hope she wins the special election tomorrow and then we can all find out what the tribe meant.